
Precize CALCULUS I (P.U.)


The entire subject matter in the book has been arranged in a systematic, graded, simple, lucid and exhaustive manner. Each chapter begins with some definitions followed by theorems with complete proofs and solved problems. A large number of notes and remarks have been added for a better understanding of the subject. Well-planned and exhaustive exercises have been given in each chapter.


Order properties of real numbers, bounds, l.u.b. and g.l.b., order completeness property of real numbers, Archimedean property of real numbers.

Limits: epsilon delta definition of the limit of a function, basic properties of limits, infinite limits.

Continuous functions, types of discontinuities, continuity of composite functions, continuity of, sign of a function in a neighborhood of a point of continuity, intermediate value theorem, maximum and minimum value theorem.

Hyperbolic, inverse hyperbolic functions of a real variable and their derivatives, successive differentiations, Leibnitz’s theorem.

indeterminate forms.

Applications of Derivatives : Tangents and normals, Differentials and Approximations, Errors.

Mean value theorems: Rolle’s Theorem, Lagrange’s mean value theorem, Cauchy’s mean value theorem, their geometric interpretation and applications, Taylor’s theorem, Maclaurin’s theorem with various forms of remainders and their applications.

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