Matrices and Determinants: Definition of a Matrix. Types of Matrices; Algebra of Matrices; Properties of Determinants; Calculation of Values of Determinants upto Third Order, AdJoint of a Matrix, Elementary Row or Column Operations; Inverse of a Matrix. Solution of a System of Linear Equations having Unique Solution and Involving not More Than Three Variables.
Differentiation – Idea of Simple Derivative of different Functions (excluding trigonometric functions).
Maxima and Minima of Functions of One Variable only.
Statistics as a Subject; Statistical Data : Meaning and Types, Collection and Rounding of Data, Classification and Presentation of Data.
Construction of a Frequency Distribution; Concept of Central Tendency and Dispersion and Their Measures; Measures of Skewness; Concept of Kurtosis.
Meaning, Components, Models, Fitting Linear and Quadratic Trend.
IMeaning, Types, and Uses : Methods of Constructing Price and Quantity Indices (Simple and Aggregate); Tests of Adequacy; Chain-Base Index Numbers; Base Shifting, Splicing, and Deflecting; Problems in Constructing Index Numbers; Consumer Price Index.