
Precize BASIC MATHEMATICS – II (Multi-Disciplinary Course)


The present book is meant for those students who opt mathematics as a Multi- Disciplinary Course as per NEP 2020. It is the culmination of honest and sincere efforts on the part of the author to meet the requirements of the students who did not study mathematics at the Senior Secondary level. The entire subject matter has been arranged in a systematic, graded, simple, lucid and exhaustive manner to meet the various needs of all types of learners. Special emphasis has been laid on fundamentals for better understanding of the subject. Each chapter begins with some definitions followed by theorems with complete proofs and a lot of solved problems so that the study leads to perfect clarity and understanding. A large number of notes and remarks have been added for a better understanding of the subject. Well-planned and exhaustive exercises have been given in each chapter to provide the students with an opportunity of exhaustive practice.



Limits, continuity, Derivative, and differentiability (Excluding Trigonometric Functions). Introduction, intuitive Idea of derivative, Limits, Continuity, Differentiability. Exponential and Logarithmic Differentiation, Derivative of a function in a parameter, Second-order derivatives.

Applications of derivatives: Increasing and decreasing functions, Maxima and Minima, Rolle’s Theorem, and Lagrange’s Mean Value Theorem (without proofs, only geometric interpretation, and problems.

Integral Calculus – (Excluding Trigonometric Functions). Integral as an anti-derivative, Integration by substitution, by partial fractions, and by parts.

Probability – Introduction, Random Experiments, Event, Axiomatic Approach to Probability