
Precize Quantitative Techniques & Methods


The entire subject matter in the present book has been arranged in a systematic, graded, simple, lucid and exhaustive manner to meet the various needs of all types of learners. Each topic begins with some definitions and theory followed by solved problems so that the study leads to perfect clarity and understanding. A large number of notes and remarks have been added for a better understanding of the subject. Well-planned exercises have been given in each chapter to provide the students with an opportunity of exhaustive practice.


Quantitative Techniques : Introduction and Use in Business

Theory of Probability : Introduction, Definitions and Use of Addition and Multiplicative Theorem, Conditional Probability. Probability-Distribution: Binomial-Distribution, Poisson-Distribution, Normal-Distribution

Linear Programming : Meaning, Advantages, Limitations, Basic Terminology, Formulation of Linear Programming Problem, Graphic Solution of Linear Programming Problem; Business Applications of Linear Programming.

       Interpolation and Extrapolation

       Correlation : Meaning, Types, Methods-Scattered Diagram, Karl Pearson’s Coefficient of Correlation, Rank Correlation and Concurrent Deviation Method.

Regression : Meaning and Significance, Difference Between Correlation and Regression, Simple Linear Regression and Estimation of Parameters (Slope and Intercept).