
Rapidsol Discrete Mathematical Structure


The present book is in accordance with the syllabus of Panjab University Chandigarh in particular and other Universities in general. It provides a comprehensive treatment of the concepts and topics by giving a vast variety of examples fully solved. The entire subject matter has been arranged in a systematic, graded, simple, lucid and exhaustive manner to meet the various needs of all types of learners. Each chapter begins with some definitions followed by theorems with complete proofs and solved problems so that the study leads to perfect clarity and understanding. A large number of notes and remarks have been added for a better understanding of the subject. Question Papers of previous years of various Universities examinations has been solved.


Set Theory : Relations and Functions : Set Notation and Description, subset, basic set operations, Venn Diagrams, laws of set theory, partitions of sets, minsets, duality principle, basic definitions of relations and functions, graphics of relations, properties of relations : injective, surjective and bijective functions, compositions.

Recurrence : Recurrence Relations and Recursive Algorithms – Linear-RecurrenceRelations with Constant Coefficients; Homogeneous Solutions : Particular Solution, Total Solution, Solution by the Method of Generating functions.

Graph Theory : Graph and planar graphs – Basic Terminology, Multi-raphs,

Weighted Graphs, Paths and Circuits, Shortest Paths, Eulerian Paths and Circuits. Travelling Salesman Problem, Planar Graphs.

Automata Theory : Finite State Machines–Equivalent Machines, Finite State Machines as language Recognizers; Analysis of Algorithms – Time Complexity, Complexity of Problems.